“Experience the Power: SparkyLinux 3.4 LXDE, e17, and Razor-Qt Distros Embrace Debian Jessie – As Reported by Softpedia News”

“Experience the Power: SparkyLinux 3.4 LXDE, e17, and Razor-Qt Distros Embrace Debian Jessie – As Reported by Softpedia News”

SparkyLinux 3.4: The Ultimate Lightweight Linux Distribution for Old and New Computers

Attention all Linux enthusiasts! SparkyLinux 3.4 “Annagerman” is finally here! This fast and simple operating system is designed for both old and new computers. It features customized LXDE, e17, and Razor-Qt desktops, making it the perfect choice for those looking for a lightweight and efficient system.

Built on Debian GNU/Linux “Jessie”, SparkyLinux 3.4 is not all that different from its previous versions. However, one major change that has been implemented in this release is the update to a new kernel, version 3.14. This means that SparkyLinux is now equipped with the most advanced Linux kernel available, making it a top choice for new hardware.

In addition, LXDE has been updated to version 0.5.5-6, Razor-Qt to version 0.5.2-4, and Enlightenment to E18. These desktop environments are renowned for being lightweight, making SparkyLinux an ideal operating system for older machines.

But that’s not all! SparkyLinux also offers a number of other flavors for this distribution, including support for installation on machines with EFI and a default init system of systemd. The repository list has also been split for Debian and additional packages, making it even easier to customize your system to your liking.

Whether you prefer a terminal or graphical mode, SparkyLinux has you covered with its new and improved installer. Plus, the system control center for LXDE desktop (Sparky Center) has been rebuilt, and the tool for updating, installing, and removing packages (Sparky APTus) has been updated as well.

But wait, let us tell you more about the new features and changes! The developers have added support for removing non-free and restricted packages that come pre-installed in the system, as well as missing language packages. And for those of you with EFI systems, the support is still experimental, but the developers assure that they have successfully tested it in a virtual environment.

Don’t miss out on SparkyLinux 3.4 LXDE, SparkyLinux 3.4 e18, and SparkyLinux 3.4 Razor-Qt, all available for download on Softpedia. Get your hands on this amazing Linux distribution and experience the best in lightweight and efficient operating systems. Happy downloading!

Source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMidWh0dHBzOi8vbmV3cy5zb2Z0cGVkaWEuY29tL25ld3MvU3Bhcmt5TGludXgtMy00LUxYREUtZTE3LWFuZC1SYXpvci1RdC1EaXN0cm9zLUFyZS1CYXNlZC1vbi1EZWJpYW4tSmVzc2llLTQ0NTYzMC5zaHRtbNIBAA?oc=5